Artisans of Clothing Made Easy

Artisans or karigars means the people who craft things skilfully and with their hands. The talent that these karigars possess is a result of their hard work and determination.

For some of them, their skill is their worship as the skill has been passed on from their fathers and forefathers and for others it may be a way to keep the art or craft alive. These honed karigars are losing their worth in this fast revolving world but Not at Clothing Made Easy.

Clothing Made Easy is working towards its goal of elevating rich Indian traditions and culture with a hint of modernism. It’s working round the clock to provide these artisans a platform where not only they can showcase their skills but also earn a fair wage.

Clothing Made Easy was there for them even in tough times of COVID and that has only strengthened the bond. Artisans are a very important part in the making of the clothes available at Clothing Made Easy as they embellish the fabric with their hands so that you could have those perfectly handcrafted clothes.

You might think that the process of making is easy but it’s the opposite. There are so many steps that need to be followed in traditional hand prints; some of the prints alone have 26 steps or more so now you know why Clothing Made Easy emphasises on its karigars so much.

To buy the clothes handcrafted by Clothing Made Easy’s dedicated karigars all you need to do is visit Clothing Made Easy offline or online and just place an order.

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